Transgender Medicine
Duration: 1 month, 1/2 day per week
Eligibility: UCSF affiliates only
Location: Women's Health Primary Care, Mount Zion
Supervisor: Dr. Madeline Deutsch, MD, MPH
Maximum # of residents per month: 1
Time: Tuesdays 8:30am-12:30pm
Vacation/Number of Clinics Needed to Attend:
Minimum 3 clinics
Description (including population served)
This is a transgender primary care clinic embedded in the Women's Health Primary Care practice. The population is diverse including out-of-area patients with limited care access who travel to San Francisco to be seen in clinic. Services provided include hormone therapy, preventive health maintenance, psychosocial support and general primary care. Services include a transgender care navigation program with a navigator who helps facilitate consults as well as referrals for surgery. Rotating residents will see new consults as well as follow-up patients.
Learners who may participate in this elective include:
- Residents or fellows from any specialty
- Medical Students
- Nurse Practitioner Students
- Other students, learners, and trainees on a case-by-case basis
Learners interested in this rotation should write a 1-2 paragraph e-mail to Dr. Deutsch describing their interest in working with transgender patients (no experience is required). There is approx 90 minutes of reading and self-study preparation required prior to starting the elective.
Educational Objectives
At the conclusion of the elective, the resident will be able to:
- Identify key components in the assessment of readiness and appropriateness for gender affirming hormones
- Understand ways in which to make a clinic environment welcoming and appropriate for transgender people
- Prescribe and monitor gender affirming hormone therapy
- Conduct appropriate preventive health and psychosocial assessments and screenings for transgender people
- Have a basic understanding of the range of surgeries and other gender affirming procedures commonly sought